Country Overview: South Africa

South Africa is a country that lies in the most southern tip of the African continent. It has an amazing landscape which include beaches, wine lands, cliffs, forests and lagoons. 

It is often referred to as the Rainbow Nation and this is not by coincidence. The country is made of diverse group of people with differing cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds. The population consists of four main ethnic groups: Black African (79%), Coloured (9%), White (9%), and Asian (3%) The Black African population consist of a number of ethnic cultures as well. Each group exhibits differing traits. It has a number of 11 official languages, including mainly English, Afrikaans, Zulu, and Xhosa.


The Story of A Beautiful Country - by Khalo Matabane

Watching this documentary will give you an insight in the people of South Africa. Get to know their lifestyle - religion; practices; mindsets and feelings towards out standers. See and listen the real stories - of real people.

For the full documentary, please refer to..