
South Africa is so big, and it has literally everything. South Africa had the third-highest level of biodiversity in flora and fauna in the world. Only the table mountain reserve supports already 1.1470 species. Cape Town has a Mediterranean climate, wet winters, hot summers. But what Cape Town characteristics is the wind, which is always blowing.

The welfare in South Africa is very different of what we are used to in Europe, only 16,2% has a medical cover. That while 16,6% of the adult population (aged 15-49 years) was HIV positive in 2011. Also is one-fifth of the South African woman HIV positive, but the numbers are dropping the last few years.


Out of the whole population only 4% is at a high-risk malaria zone and 6% at a low risk, that means that 90% lives in malaria-free areas.

South Africa is one of the countries with the highest level of Tuberculosis, and the last 15 years it increased by 400%. TB is one of the main causes of death, often in combination with HIV.

The life expectation in South Africa is 57 years old, and there is a big difference between the black and white people the life expectancy for a white South African is 71 years and for a black South African it is only 48 years.